【百姓话坛】政府扮流氓 白纸黑字不认账

【新唐人2011年8月20日讯】【百姓话坛】(161) 政府扮流氓 白纸黑字不认账:政府出尔反尔,协议形同废纸。


我自我介绍一下,我是中华人民共和国,山东省烟台市莱山区午台村村民曹庆岩,我的房屋在我们莱山区迎春大街,只是我的144平方米的商业网点房,就是,门头房做买卖的。我去向政府提出我按市场价格进行置换,他们就给出的价钱就是非常非常的低,低于市场几十倍的价码我就不同意么,政府这个时间就采取了给我房进行打砸,门窗全部打砸,黑夜白夜的打砸, 停水停电,打砸几十次,我每次都报了110备案了,结果110去到的时候,去一看就什么问题也不管,也不给解决就走了,就在这种情况下,他们又给我的家人,给我的孩子进行威胁,他们就才去半年,叫这个我小女儿的班主任,学校的教导主任,半夜到我们家进行做工作,就是给我很低很低的要我们签订协定,我就一直的不同意,不同意政府最后就采取了把我骗到拆迁指挥部,进行一切一天一宿的限制人身自由不让离开,而且是这个我们莱山区,副区长黄永政给我进行多种的威胁,就是说你要是不同意,马上叫法院采取强制拆迁令来,叫公安拿手铐来把他铐走,把他的房屋去强制拆除,一片瓦也不给,一分钱也不给,在这种情况下区委副书记季显庭区委副区长黄永政写下给出了我的赔偿,但是他们提出的条件是给我152平方米的居住楼房,再给我另外给我108万现金补偿,我的房屋实质我自己的个人私有房产是144平方的商业网点房,这是我的私有财产,但是我这个144平方的商业网点房在我们当地按市场价格,一平方已经超出5万元的价格在当时,但是政府呢他只给我152平方米住宅楼房,住宅楼房他是按每平方米3320元,住宅楼房和商业网点房的差距是差了几十倍,但是这个条件是,区委副书记季显庭、副区长黄永政他们提出来这个条件,被迫无奈,也就同意了。






2008年11月13日,法院在凌晨三点到了我家,告诉我,他们没说要我强制拆房,他们就骗我说我们要再谈一谈,我说可以,一直和我说到早上六点半的时间,我小女儿要去上学了,他们法院就不让出门,法院的人员就说了,他们要去送我小女儿,这个时候,他们法院的电话就一直的在响,他们法院来到我家是20多个人,还有法警,还有公安,前后门都给我堵了,结果我前妻出门去上班,在二三分钟的时间,我前妻就在门口叫我,告诉我,你还在家谈什么,法院都把咱的房子拆了你还在家谈什么,这时我一听,我说你们怎么把我的房子给拆了,你们还在这骗我,还要在这继续跟我谈,我说你们这不是往死逼我吗,法庭他们就说了,你死你就赶快的死,我说好,既然你们让我死,我就死吧,房子叫你们抢去了,我又有什么办法呢,我拿过来汽油,从头,拿过汽油桶来从头上就浇下去了,接着是手在地上浇,拿汽油浇,我这只手就在兜里边就掏出打火机,要点火的时间,他法庭这个执行庭的庭长,就想来抓按住我这个手,叫二十多个人快快快快上来,上来给他按下,他们就上来二十多个人把我按倒了在地上,按倒在地下,我这个时候已经浇了汽油了,这个时候已经喘不过来气,他们给我按在地上拳打脚踢,我的脸都给我打破了,脸血都流了,他们又给我戴上了反手戴上的手铐,戴上手铐,这个执行庭的庭长就说先给他拉到法院去。他们就给我拖出去,拉到法院去他们就打电话叫莱山区法院的4、5个庭长全部都回来,回来他们就在办公桌上就摆了4、5摞这个高矮那个书摆了四五摞法律书,高矮就每一摞的高矮就有个六七十份的高矮,摆了这么四、五摞,他们找3、4个庭长就在这翻书,一边翻书他们这些庭长就跑那说,今天非要把他判他的刑不可,非要把我判刑了不可,我说你们有什么资格判我的刑,你们抢我的房,你们又不让我浇油自焚,你们又拆我的房,我说好你们找吧,我相信,法律书上是不会有的,抢了老百姓的房,还逼老百姓浇油自焚,要判老百姓的刑,你们比土匪还要土匪,他们又找来110警察,叫我承认错误,我就给110 警察说了我说我要报案,他们抢我的房逼我浇油自焚,现在他们还给我戴上手铐了,110说我们不管这个,我们就管你为什么不把房倒出来。我过后才知道,他们是兵分三路,20多个人到我的居处,到了我的现在的住处,又有一批人员在半路上把岗,不允许任何人到我家去通风报信,其余一部分人又到我的144平方的商业网点房进行偷偷的强拆就走了,他们是分了三批人马,他们从凌晨三点多一点把我和我前妻还有我女儿已经给控制起来了,不让出门,这个时间,但是我在这种情况下,我已经是生不如死的这种情况下,政府把我的房屋拆完了,就没有人管我了。












Host: Dear audiences, welcome to today’s shown. In the past, we have already talked about several cases in which the government bulldozed ordinary people’s houses with little compensation. That’s why the two parties couldn’t reach an agreement. However, our guest today, Cao qingyan, still suffered with a signed agreement. Now let’s listen to his story.

I am a villager from wutai village of Laishan district in Yantai City, Shandong Province. My house is located in Yincun street Laishan district, a property of 144 square meters of a shop front housefor business use.I asked the government to trade with the market price but what they wanted to pay is very very low, tens of times lower, so I disagreed. The government then took the bullying approach and trashed my house, all doors and windows smashed, water and electricity supply were cut off. The attack took place many times. I reported the incidents to 110 emergency call. But the police just had a look and left without doing anything.Additionally, they threatened my family . My daughter had been to the school for half a year, her teacher and the school’s headmaster come to our house in the middle of the night to convince us to sign the very low compensation, I refused. Finally, the government deceived me to go over to the reallocation headquarter, then detained me for a day and night. Huang Yongzheng,the deputy Mayor of Laishan district, threatened me with various means. He said if you say no, the court would immediately assign an order of forceful demolition and take you away with handcuffs, your house would be forcibly demolished, there won’t be a piece of tile or a penny left for you. Their condition for my compensation was 152 square meters of living space, plus 1.08 million in cash. This house is my private property, 144 square meters of shop front house. The local price for this type of house is over 50,000 per square meter. But the government wanted to exchange with 152 square meter building space with only 3,320 per square meter. Tens of times of the difference. But since it was a proposal by Ji xianting, Secretary of Commission of Laishan area, and Huang YongZhen, the deputy Mayor, I had to say yes.

Host: According to the market price at the time, about fifty thousand yuan per square meters for a facade, the government should give Caoqing yan 7.2 million yuan for 144 square meters. Although he only asked for 3 million yuan, the government refused and gave him only half of that. And he had to agree.

Why I had to agree?It is because they trashed my house, stones were all over the place, doors and windows smashed, my family had been menaced and I had been detained. So I had to agree. After I signed the contract, they had the deputy manager of reallocation headquarter issued me 2 IOUs. One was for 1.05 million and the other for ¥30,000, which added up to the cash compensation of 1.08 million in total. Their compensation was a lot lower than my house’s market value. Much much lower. But I had no other way. They are a Communist government, we are ordinary people. If we don’t agree, we could be persecuted more severely. We were hopeless and had to agree. In the afternoon of 28th Nov 2007, I went to the reallocation headquarter to pick up my compensation. At the time, only cash compensation was given as the new house was not built yet. When I got there, the staff told me to come back in half an hour, the money was not ready yet. I went again in half an hour. They told me to wait for another half an hour. Just like that, I went back and forth eight or nine times until the day was gone. The staff said, it’s too late as the bank had closed. You need to come back tomorrow. I said ok. The next day, similar thing took place. I was asked to go back every hour and had been there multiple times a day. In about 10 days, I had been there over 200 times to get my compensation of 1.08 million. But till now I still haven’t received a penny. On the last time I went there for the money, their staff told me they don’t want my house anymore so they won’t be paying me anything. I said ok. Since I was forced to sign the contract under threats, it’s quite fine with me to keep my house instead.

Host: Host: Chinese government uses every method imaginable to rob ordinary people’s wealth. Cao qingyan could never imagine it was so hard to get compensation. And more surprisingly, the government changed their minds and broke the agreement!

In less than a month, the staff from reallocation headquarter came to my house with a 1.08million cheque. They told me to sign another contract to replace the previous one, in which the new house of 152 square meters wouldn’t be given to me. I said I won’t agree to that. On 28 August 2011, I was sued by the Laishan district court of Yantai, Shangdong province. In the hearing, the chief judge asked me whether the signature on the first contract was mine. And they wanted to perform a hand writing check. I said yes, that was my signature with my finger print as well. What did you want to check? He said since you have finger printed and signed on the agreement, why didn’t you agree to the house demolition? I said without a penny of compensation, why should I agree? He said they only look after house demolition, not the compensation. And they threatened me to agree. I questioned them if they wanted to rob of me. Eventually, they had to call for recess and postponed the sentencing to another day.

Host: Under the ruling of the CCP, Chinese people have nowhere to have their voices heard. This is why the CCP’s is the most dark and backward ruling in Chinese history.

On 13th November 2008, staff from the People’s Court came to my house around 3 in the morning and told me that they just wanted to have a chat with me again. I agreed. The conversation lasted till 6 in the morning and I had to send my youngest daughter to school. The staff from the People’s Court said to me that they would send someone to drop my daughter off at school. Their mobile phones started ringing at this point. There were more than 20 people from the People’s Court and Police officers came to my house. They blocked both the front and back doors of my house. My then wife left for work and came back after a few minutes. She yelled at me “ why are you still talking to them? They have demolished our house!” Then I realised that those people came to my house to distract me while others demolished my house. I was so angry and asked them why they lied to me and demolished my house without telling me. I said to them they were pushing me into a dead end by doing so. The officers said they did not care if I lived or died. I found a barrel of petrol and poured the petrol over my head and also on the ground. Then I took a lighter out of my pocket. The Chief of the Enforcement Chamber of the People’s Court grabbed my hand holding the lighter before I could lit it. Then others came up and pushed me face down on the ground. I could not breathe while they beat and kicked me. My face was bleeding. They handcuffed me and the Chief of the Enforcement Chamber of the People’s Court gave orders to take me to the People’s Court. After I was taken to the office at the Court, the Chief Judges from the People’s Court of Laishan District were called in and all of them started to go through a pile of Law books. They were talking to each other that they must send me to jail on the day. I said to them they unlawfully occupied and demolished my house and pushed me to the extreme of trying to protest by setting myself on fire. How could they sentence me to jail? There is no such law or legislation. They were just like bandits. They called 110 for police and forced me to confess. I told the policeman that I wanted to report a crime committed to me. The policeman said he did not care about my reporting but why I did not agree to the demolition of my shopfront house. I learned later that there were three groups of people: one group came to my house and kept us from leaving the house, one group was watching and keeping people from passing me messages, and the third group went to demolish my shopfront house. They finally left me alone after they demolished my shopfront house.

Host: The shopfront house which Cao Qingyan relied on to make living was demolished but the government did not fulfil their promise. Other family members including his wife were upset. A happy family was falling apart because of the forced demolition.

Under the financial stress, my then wife fought with me everyday because our shop front house was demolished without any compensation. I felt helpless. The CCP is ruling the country and I do not have the power to fight with their dictatorship. So I told my then wife that we could not live together like this and we got a divorce.

Host: No house, no family, how is Cao Qingyan going to deal with a government which do not keep promises with its people?

I went to the People’s Court of Laishan District. I asked the Chief of the Enforcement Chamber of the Court Song Lijun for the relocation house. He told me that I should talk to the Chief Judge of the Court. I knew the Chief Judge would deny his involvement in the demolition of my shop front house as he was not there on the day. So I insisted that Song Lijun with help from others demolished my house so he had to give me an answer on the reallocation house. He told me to wait till Wednesday and speak to the Chief Judge. I went again on Wednesday to see the Chief Judge but he refused to se me. On 15th January 2009, Song Lijun asked me to go to the Court and told me that I had been offered a 153 square metres relocation apartment as the agreement promised. I asked him about the 1.08 million Yuan compensation. He told me that the government has not agreed to the amount. I said the government have to compensate me with the exact amount because they had demolished my house. Song Lijun said I should sort out one thing at a time. I said OK and went to transfer the ownership of the reallocation apartment at the Administrative Office of Demolition and Relocation. The Administrative Office of Demolition and Relocation did not want to give me the relocation apartment but said they could convert the apartment into cash based on the price of 3320 per square metre. I insisted that I only wanted the house not the cash. They told me if I did not accept the offer on the day, I will get nothing after that. I had no choice but to accept the cash for the relocation apartment. At the time, the house price was around 6000 Yuan per square metre. And I never got the 1.08 million Yuan’s compensation from the government as promised.

Host: From then on, Cao Qing Yan ran tried everything to recover the 1.08 million Yuan compensation. And how did the government handle this IOU for 1.08 million Yuan? On 15th Jan 2009, Laishan District government issued a frabicated “ meeting minutes” to re-do the interpretation of this 1.08 million Yuan compensation. The conclusion was: Cao Qing Yan didn’t accept the relocation housing, but asked for cash compensation, the then 1.08 million Yuan is now invalid. The Chief of the District Bureau of Development explained: The 1.08 million Yuan was used as a put-off for carrying out the demolition work. The local government acted shamelessly, how about the central government?

Then I started my journey of protesting, from Laishai District to the city and the provincial government, all the way up to central government, but there haven’t been any results. My first protest in Beijing was on September 28th, I entered the reception room of the bureau for appeals freely , but I was not allowed to leave, I was detained there, A staff from Laishan city Beijing Liason office came to get me out, he told me that I was not allowed to protest in Beijing. I said: You didn’t break the law when you robbed me of my house, which law did I break by coming to report you? It was you who broke the law, because you robbed my house and didn’t give me any compensation. You, the communist government of Laishan district broke the law, not me, Cao Qing Yan, it was absolutely right for me to sue you. Without any explanations, those guys dragged me into a car and took me back to Laishan district. Since coming back, no one bothered to look into my case, even though I went to see them many times. So I come to Beijing to protest once every two or three months, but every time I was subjected to inhumane treatment. Once I came to protest in Beijing at the Appeal’s Bureau, the staff at the bureau had been bribed by the local government, he secretly sent out messages, moments later, the staff’s phone rang; he shied away from me to answer the phone. I heard the last phrase, the staff of the State Bureau for Appeals said: Well, I know how to deal with it, rest assured, I will sort it out for you.” He put down the phone and threw my identification back to me, and threw the form I filled out onto to the desk; it dropped to the floor, then he told me: you can go now. I said: Officer, how will you resolve my case? He said: Security, get him out of here. One security guard came to drag me by my shoulder and push me out, I said: Don’t touch me; I’ll walk out by myself. Why did I say so? Earlier, as the staff of the bureau didn’t take her appeal, an elderly lady in her sixties refused to leave by holding onto the windows, the security guards came over, very brutally kicked her out the door. I walked out with despair, and walked without looking up in contemplations; unknowingly I walked to Tian An Men Square of the Capital of The People’s Republic of China. A policeman stopped me, saying: open your bag for a security check, I opened the bag, there were appeal documents in it. He called in a police van by intercom; they checked my ID and said: You are a protester? I said: yes” “Tell me why you came here” I said: I was contemplating something and walked here unknowingly.” Without any explanation, they dragged me into the police Van, and drove me to a police station, then transferred me to the Beijing Liason Office. Beijing Liason office escorted me back. All without anyone looking into my case.

Host: Cao Qing Yan placed his hopes on the Central government, but what he received was even severe hurt.

They took me to a police station to detain me, and asked me to sign a paper, I said: I can’t sign this Paper of Instruction and denouncement, I don’t understand, He said the paper of Instruction and denouncement is to tell you not to go to Tian An Men Square, I said : Did I break the law when I go to Tian An Men Square?” He said: You carried appeal documents with you, didn’t you? I said: yes, but the documents were in the bag. He said: Why did you carry a bag? I said: I saw people walking around Tian An Men square all carrying bags. He said: You are not allowed to carry a bag. I said: Why am I not allowed? If you say everyone is not allowed to carry bags, then it was illegal for me to carry a bag, and if everyone went to Tian An Men naked, but I went there with clothes on, then I would be breaking the law. Ah, why would it be illegal for me to carry a bag while everyone else was carrying bags. He said: stop the nonsense and sign the paper, I said: I won’t. I don’t understand the meaning of Instruction and denouncement. They tried to force me to sign, their purpose was to put me into detention. To the end, I didn’t sign, so they kicked me out of the police station. But in Beijing,I had been imprisoned in black jails for many times, they grabbed me from places such as the state Bureau for Appeals and Tian An Men Square to the black jail, in a completely closed van, unable to see the outside. How do I know these are black jails? They withheld my Identification, didn’t allow me out, and only gave me one steamed bun to eat. If they see me venture outside the entrance, they would beat me viciously. Later I heard from others that this is a black jail. From memory, I saw more than 50 people during the my first time I was imprisoned in a black jail. The second time, there were 20 or 30 people. And the third time, there were more than 100.

Host: In his petition documents, there is a paragraph quoted as follows. It isn’t so scary to be robbed by gangsters, as we can report to the police, It is really scary to be robbed by the government, as we have nowhere to report. Finally I came to understand the cause of Yangjia’s case in Shanghai, it was forced by the groups of fatuous, tricky and corrupted government officials. That’s the end of today’s program, thank you for watching, see you next time.
