

女儿:空军无法无天的对你爸爸和我们母女的侵害,已经造成妈妈28岁造成了“白毛女”,骨瘦如柴! 精神和身体已经无法支持妈妈煎熬着,去争取“公平正义”的阳光! 妈妈在给中央军委领导的信中一再请求敦促空军撤销空一师违法的对你爸爸的处分决定,为你爸爸争回荣誉,但是如果妈妈请求得不到证实,妈妈将用生命的代价控诉我们的冤屈,用鲜血推动中央军委的反腐败进程,争取我们自己的合法权力。

Dear Daughter,
The lawless persecution by the Air Force on your Dad and our family has caused severe mental and physical harm to your mum, I am unable to continue to fight for Justice. In my letter to the leaders of the central military commission, I had pleaded with them to correct the unlawful disciplinary charges to your father, regain his honor. In the event that fail to drop the charges, then I’ll use my life and blood to expose the corrupted procedures of the central military commission and regain our lawful rights.


Hi audiences, what we just heard was the last paragraph of an open letter from a Chinese military family to her daughter, the writer’s name is Fu Nan, her husband, Jiang Yongqiang was the secretary in a propaganda division and a Captain ranking officer of Liaoning Anshan Air Force after graduating from military school.

September 3, 1998 Jiang Yongqiang suddenly disappeared from the workplace, his leader Tai Yang told Fu Nan that her husband went back to his hometown on vacation; 20 days later Tai Yang gave Fu Nan a letter which Jiang Yongqiang wrote to the leader, and said after Jiang Yongqiang left the army, he disappeared.

September 30 and October 1, Dalian Air Force Headquarters announced: remove Jiang Yongqiang’s rank and expelled him. But until today this decision has not been passed to the families! Jiang Yongqiang has been missing for 14 years without any information,. What really happened? Before October, we interviewed his family Fu Nan, let’s listen to her story together.


In 1995, the central military commission was collecting plans to build a museum of honors for the Korean War. At the time, my husband was working in the propaganda division to design the plan, as did many others. The Deputy Division chief named Tai Yang didn’t allow my husband to submit his plan. My husband told me that he didn’t want to miss out on such a great opportunity. I said to him: Go for it, Does he dare to kill us? He tried to stop my husband to submit his plan with threats: you can’t submit the plan unless you put my name as the designer, or I’ll make your life a misery, my family members are in the key positions in the Air Force.

但是我让我丈夫报了,中央军委恰恰就采用了我丈夫的方案,而且当时就是中央军委说的,要这个设计人总体方案设计那个大楼里边的, 96年97年就开始建这个楼,98年建好的这个楼,
But my husband submitted his design and it was accepted by the Central Army commission, the entire plan of the building was accepted, the construction started in 1996 and the building was completed in 1998.


During this period, my husband was sent on military missions in other places, after the building was completed in 1998; the central army commission requested the building designer to work on the overall interior design of the building. My husband started the job in 1998. In June of the same year, Tai Yang was promoted to the Division chief of the propaganda division. He didn’t allow my husband to conduct on site investigations for this project, but rather sent others to investigate, and brought back piles of photos as materials for my husband to use for the design.

2 Moderator: Tai Yang is the leader of the propaganda division who is also the son of the head and the brother-in-law of the %%%%, Tai’s family has great power in the Air force. As Jiang Yongqiang didn’t obey Tai in the designing of the hall, henceforth Jiang Yongqiang endured pressure and hardship from everyone at work, this made him more and more disappointed.


The Air Force 1st Division is extremely corrupted. You have to bribe to be promoted. Every time, the Army leaders sent my husband to the Military missions, he was not awarded, not to mention he was even asked to give his honors to others, they said the honor was of no use to my husband.


From 1995-1998, my husband was often sent on mission duties, as he was very talented in many fields, such as playing western and Chinese musical instruments, he won the respect and trust from the leaders. The Army needed talented people like him who are able to lead and unite young soldiers together.


When he was on a mission in Fuzhou, a leader had a chat with him: Come and work for me, I will transfer you here and put you into an important position. After being suppressed for so many years, my husband poured his heart out and told him all about how he was bullied by Tai Yang, however, he didn’t expect the person he talked to was Tai Yang’s brother –in-law. He became even more depressed after the talk because he knew he would be punished by them.


In 1998 was his most depressed year, he would be depressed for a period of time after each mission, he would cry then wash his face, and leave for work happily. he would try to lift his spirit before work, but he cried every time after returning home. People mocked at him: Don’t you see, you worked so hard, look how it turned out for you?


He was loved and supported by the young soldiers. After he passed away, a leader of the army told me: the whole troupe of young soldiers became unrest, and very emotional, they wanted to get “their bother Jiang” back, because he was a kind and warm hearted person, for example, once he saw a boy’s feet were freezing, so my husband took off his shoes and gave them to the boy. I was angry with him: why did you give those expensive shoes away. He also gave away his clothes, scarf etc. He highly valued friendship and was very affectionate. When he says farewell to someone, he would give his long coat to them and came back home wearing a short coat. I asked him where did you got this short coat, he said: I saw the boy was freezing, I gave my coat to him. He was very caring person.


Moderator: Although Jiang Yongqiang has both ability and integrity, and holds a prestige among soldiers. However in this material society, people are jealous and envious of capable men, people are not rewarded and promoted when disagreeing with the bad, on the contrary, they would suffer insults and setups by others.


During the military exercise in the northwest of China, the soldiers had to get to the place first, then the fighter jets would fly there later. The Air Force 1st Division is very arrogant and did not get to the training grounds earlier to prepare like other troops did. They only flew the fighter jets the day before the military exercise was due to start. And it was a rainy day when they took off. I was in the airport and saw the fighter jets take off. Later that day, I heard on the news that one of the fighter jets crashed. My husband had drew three fighter jets on the news bulletin board and at the time, the Division had not decided on the number of fighter jets to sent for this military excise. After the crash, they blamed my husband for drawing one fighter jet less and causing the crash. My husband was criticized at meetings and he was upset this and cry at home. The leaders of the Division did not take any responsibilities for the crash and even claimed that the pilot flying the fighter jet was not focused because of his domestic dispute with his wife.

4 Moderator: the leader’s irresponsible behaviour caused Jiang Yongqiang tremendous mental pressure. Jiang Yongqiang cannot see the future when others called him Bad Luck.

对他打击最大的是什么呢,他每次轮战,就从来不提(拔)我丈夫,不但不提还得把功给别人,他自己付出的荣誉付出的劳动都得给别人,领导找他谈,必须得让不让不行,你要功没有用,不会提你的,就这么明说,不提他但是他得安排他工作啊,他本来是个连职安排他营职的工作,代职这个教导员,就是机毁人亡这个,摔死这些人的,他代职他这个教导员,正好吃拉撒睡全都是他管,老在一起他有感情啊,等这些人机毁人亡摔死了以后,他总是在脑袋里回想这些人,回想着些人。而且在他之前就自杀了一个小战士,他还亲自去看一看 这小战士喝的农药 在自己工作的飞机后面
长的也非常英俊 这孩子喝的剧烈农药 整个肠子都烧烂了 而且 因为难受 他自己给自己刨的坑 用腿给自己刨了一个坑 自己在那坑里头趟着 他在自己工作的飞机后面死的 就是在我丈夫出事之前 对他的打击都非常大,他整个干脆就睡不了觉 整个晚上就是哭 哭完了枕巾都是湿的。

The most upset thing is that my husband never had the opportunity to be promoted. And the supervisors always talked him into letting others take the credit of my husband’s hard work. They told him that he would not get promotions no matter how well he performed his job. My husband only had a company ranking but he was assigned to do the job as the Instructor of a battalion. The crew that died from the crash, they were from the same battalion. My husband had been looking after those troops and he could not forget what happened to them. Before my husband died, a young soldier committed suicide behind the plane he worked on. My husband went to inspect the scene. The young soldier swallowed highly toxic pesticide and he dug a pit to lie down because of the unbearable pain. My husband could not sleep after the inspection and cried through the night.


Now in Chinese army, if a soldier wants to go to military school, officers want to get promoted or transfer to civilian work, all needs special relationship or bribery. If someone doesn’t accept it and report to higher authorities, he will receive cruel revenge instead. A soldier expressed his dissatisfaction to his superiors; he was revenged, so he committed suicide with poison beside the plane he worked on. Knowing this tragedy, Jiang Yongqiang felt so sad, as a soldier, he couldn’t protect himself, let alone protecting others, he almost collapsed.

抗美援朝领事馆 这大楼不是他设计的吗 外型是一架飞机 然后这个楼建完了装修完了以后 就是马上就装修完了 那个王震要来视察了 这个时候 就是那几天一直加班 六月份开始 邰阳那个科长,他到宣传科当正科长 直接踩我丈夫脑袋顶上 直接管理他 然后这期间我丈夫天天设计图纸设计到两三点钟 半夜一两点钟 两三点钟

第二天早上他就给撕了 撕了就重画 画完了就给撕 撕了再重画 画完再撕 就反反复复 就这么画 就因为他看不懂 他不会看 他看不懂图纸 在这个王震来视察之前 我丈夫一直加班 但是我丈夫加班固定要回家 因为我家就在部队里头 每天都是我跟孩子到他工作的地方跟他一起回来 有的时候就太晚了 我和孩子就先睡了 然后他自己回去 但是那天我看到他们荣誉馆灯火通明 我想王震要来视察了 肯定是加班了 然后我和孩子就先睡了 睡了第二天早上他也没回来 第二天早上我看到灯还是亮着的 就是荣誉馆的灯还是亮着的 然后过不长时间 大约是九点钟左右 八九点九点左右吧 他的领导就来敲门 说让我马上带孩子回娘家 我丈夫休假了 说他六年都没休假了 就这话 然后之后我再也没见到我丈夫

My husband was involved in the design of the Korean War Memorial Hall. The shape of the Memorial Hall is like a fighter jet. Prior to the hall’s completion, news came that Wang Zhen was coming for an inspection. My husband started working overtime. Shao Yang became the head of the Propaganda division in June and supervised my husband directly. Since then, my husband had been working on drawings till two or three in the morning. Shao Yang kept rejecting my husband’s drawings because he did not understand the technical drawings. We were living on the Air Force base at the time. When my husband worked overtime, I always waited for him to come home with our child. We would sleep first when he came home too late. On that night, I saw the lights were still on in the Hall when it was getting late. I went to sleep with our child first. But my husband did not come home. The next morning, the lights were still on in the Hall. Around 9 in the morning, my husband’s supervisor came to our house and told me to go back to my parent’s home for a visit with my child. He also said my husband was on leave from work as he had not taken time off for six years. I did not see my husband again after that.


The Honors Hall project finally completed, but Jiang Yongqiang, the designer of this hall was missing, how did this happen? It’s still a mystery. But at the time, Fu Nan realised that something serious must have happened to her husband.

因为他一直哭 哭两三个月 就每天晚上回来固定得哭 就是这个邰阳 到这个宣传科当科长的时候 他就回来他就哭 哭完了还有什么 有自杀的倾向 在游泳池里头 多长时间在游泳池底下一动不动 他就告诉我 他在那多长时间他一动不动 人家以为他死了 他在里头 使劲喊他他也不动 在那池里头沉着 然后回家还触电 就不想活了 想触电 拽着电线

跟领导汇报找他们领导啊 就挨个找没人管啊 因为三年一调衔谁都想着送完钱以后想着提升 没有一个管 就求他们 拿着钱去求他们 上银行拿钱来不及 我就问人家借现金把存款单压着 压在人家那 就到处去求人家 去拜人家 没有人管 谁都不管 等出事了以后 他们说没想到,他们领导知道啊,没想到他这么快 就这么说的 都知道他不对劲了 知道他精神不对劲了 反应异常 没想到他这么快 就这么说的。

My husband had cried for two to three months since Tai Yang became the head of Propaganda division. He cried every night and even had tendencies to commit suicide. He stayed under the water at the pool for a long time and didn’t respond to anybody, the others thought he was dead. When he got home, he tried to shock himself with electricity. I wanted to report this to his leaders; however, nobody cared for my husband. They only sought after money and power. I even tried to give them money but no one solved our problems. When my husband developed mental disorders, they said they never expected that! It happened all of a sudden!


Before the disappearance, she watched her husband fell into depression, Fu Nan was really worried. Besides spending money to ask the official to help reduce the harm to her husband, she also asked some psychiatrist to talk to her husband but all were useless. Looking at her husband crying every night, she also cried.

出事了以后,二十天以后他领导就交给我一封信 说是这个是我丈夫给我领导留的一封信 信上写什么都不要了 又怎么怎么地的 然后他就找我家人谈条件 说是给我和孩子这 就是给我孩子养大 然后又安排我工作 我部队的房子永远住下去 然后你放心 军队绝对不会不管你 咱们这么大个部队 绝对就是说对我和孩子负责任 我那个时候趟在床上根本就起不来了 他来找我家人谈的条件 结果那时候也没留什么字据 没想到这么大军队能骗人 过后就谁也不管了 三年一调衔调走了 让我家属同意及早的处理

Twenty days after that, his leader gave me a letter. He said it was written by my husband, saying that he gave up everything. Then they negotiated with my relatives, they said they would support for the up bring of my child, let us stayed in the house and offered me a job. However, I just stayed in bed and couldn’t get up. And they didn’t live up to their promise. I never imaged the army leaders would lie to us, they got promotions after three years and never cared for us.

因为在军队里头 一个上尉军官没了是一起重大的事故 就是我们这些人全都不用调衔了 都白干了就是 立马专业都得 领导也是一票否决 再也没有提升得机会了 然后我过后再去找他 就不认账了 谁都不管 就我和孩子什么都不管 不但不管 还说我丈夫是同性恋 一开始说是跟富婆跑了 而且有两个证人 后来过一段时间又说是那个同性恋了 他们其中一个领导是证人 两个领导都是 好几个 就说你要几个证人我给你找几个证人 就告诉你你别要这个认了 他都不要你了 就凭你 你找个什么样的都能找着 你别要他了 他肯定是死都不会回来 就这么说,对他侮辱的干脆就是 那时候我打击老打了 一夜白的头 就是出事那一天头发一下就白了

My husband was capital officer, and when he disappeared, all the others would be influenced. But nobody cared about him, and they lied that my husband eloped with a rich woman or he was homosexual. They tried to stop me from finding my husband. They even insulted him and persuaded me to marry another person. I was shocked and all my hair went white on that day.


A Captain ranking officer, suddenly disappeared in the army, with only an excuse of holiday leave, it doesn’t make any sense. Twenty days later, Tai Yang gave her a letter r, and said it was written by Jiang Yongqiang. At the same time, he made another excuse to humiliate and slander him, tried to quiet down the whole thing.

完了以后就对我丈夫怎么做的 怎么说的 就一个字都没给过我 也没到我们家告诉我什么 没给我个只言片语 什么都没有,我上部队去找 我说你给我个什么东西 我丈夫到底怎么回事 是不是 他是国家的人 你和孩子无权知道 就这话。然后05年的时候 我的家被偷光了 就因为那时小孩去上学了 05年 因为住的地方离小孩学校挺远的 我就寄宿在别人家 就偶尔回去 结果我家被人抢占了 外屋是我的东西 里屋是人家搬进去住的 把我结婚的那些东西全都给拿走了 就是什么都没有了那里 甚至都是被耗子嗑了 都仍到那公用仓库里了。

They didn’t explain anything to me about my husband’s disappearance and even said he belonged to the nation and we had no rights to know about it. In 2005, my child was in a school far away from home. So I went to live at another’s house for a period of time. During this time, someone took over my house and took my valuables. They occupied the house and threw my things into the public warehouse.


After her husband’s disappearance, Fu Nan was so worried that she fell ill for two years. They have a small child with no one to help out, also she had no income only to wait for her husband’s return. At the same time she protested to the Air Force, asked the officials to locate Jiang Yongqiang. But instead of the returning of her husband, she and her daughter were kicked out of the air force dormitory. Fu Nan had no choice but go to Beijing for protests. Well, dear audience, this is the end of today’s program, hope to see you again next week to continue with Fu Nan’s difficulties in Beijing.
