【禁闻】中共宣传香港 引民众反思陆港差距
















采访/刘惠 编辑/李明飞 后制/钟元

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) publicize Hong Kong’s
achievements creates visibility of the CCP’s double standards

CCP president Hu Jintao’s stayed in Hong Kong to attend
activities marking 15th anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover.
Various groups organized protests about Chinese Communist
Party (CCP)’s violating human rights of Chinese people.
To create an ambience of celebration, the CCP’s mouthpiece
media have made a lot of positive reports on Hong Kong’s political and economic achievements.
However, these reports also reflect the huge difference
between China mainland and Hong Kong.
This has induced many Chinese to rethink the CCP’s governing
actions under its dictatorship regime.

Hu Jintao arrived in Hong Kong on June 29th and left noon
on July 1st.
The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic
Movements of China and other groups protested wherever Hu went and stayed.
Banners such as"Falun Dafa is good", “Vindication of
Tiananmen Square incident” and
“A thorough investigation of Li Wangyang’s death"
appeared frequently on Hu’s way to attend activities.

At Leung Chun-ying’s swearing-in ceremony as the fourth
Chief Executive of Hong Kong,
a Civic Party member shouted to Hu Jintao
“Bring to an end of the one-party dictatorship".
Furthermore, the number of people attending the July 1st
Parade far exceeded the expected 50,000.

Having such massive protests from Hong Kong people,
the CCP tried to create an ambience of celebration via its media.
Most official reports concentrated on validating Hong Kong’s
achievements on anti-corruption and democratic development.
Also how the CCP via the mainland has supported Hong Kong
since the handover.

A BBC report pointed out that these reports had caused the
CCP trouble inside the China mainland.
As many found that Hong Kong had clean government,
sound legal system and safe food,
they questioned why the Chinese in the mainland could not share
the same as Hong Kong people as both of them are Chinese citizens.

In early June, the China Youth Daily published a front-page
article titled “Hong Kong: zero tolerance to corruption”.
On July 1st, the Beijing News again complimented Hong Kong’s
anti-corruption system in its report.
Many netizens consequently connected these reports with
rampant corruptions in the mainland.

In addition, the new Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying
apologized to the public for his “illegal building scandal".
The illegal part of his house was also removed.

Chinese netizens remarked that, “in the mainland the CCP
demolishes civilians’ houses;
in Hong Kong the CCP removes the Chief Executive’s house;
what a difference!"

Zhejiang democrat Lai Jinbiao said that Hong Kong people had
incorporated democracy into their living styles under the United Kingdom’s governing before the handover.
The CCP had to throw out the policy of “one country,
two systems" to cater to Hong Kong people;
However, this is a humiliation to the mainland people in
some sense.

Lai Jinbiao, Zhejiang democrat says:" mainland people are
badly treated and can only petition if allowed by the CCP.
If the CCP doesn’t allow you to do that, you can’t.

Therefore in China there is a difference between the
so-called ‘legal petition’and ‘illegal petition’.
This is a joke to the global society, which could only happen
under governing of ‘the great, the bright, and the right’ (party)."

The BBC’s report also wrote that compared to the mainland
with widespread poisonous food, Hong Kong’s food safety was guaranteed to a ratio of 99.999%.
A Guangzhou Daily’s editorial since remarked that “Hong Kong’s
99.999% food safety ratio shows that
solving the food safety problem is not as hard as
some officials and “official" experts have claimed.
It’s time to end the theories which say that it takes time to
solve the problem or the situation is special in China."

Some netizens ironically said this indicated how “one country,
two systems" had been applied in food safety.
Another netizen questioned the CCP authority, “why should
mainland Chinese always be regarded as inferior citizens?"

Mainland freelancer Liu Yiming believes it is Hong Kong’s
democratic regime and judicial independence that
play key roles in protecting civil benefits in food safety
and other fields;
However the dictatorship regime in China mainland inevitably
led to overflow of poisonous food.

Liu Yiming says: “The poisonous milk powder problem being
so serious in China,
Zhao Lianhai was still put into prison for trying to protect
the rights of the victims, including his own family.
This is the reality in China.
The problem roots in the non-democratic regime."

Liu Yiming also made an honest remark that the freedom in
Hong Kong was being damaged every year under the CCP.

The BBC said that there were still challenges in protecting
Hong Kong’s freedom of information and political democracy.
however, the freedom, the democracy and the rule of law
in Hong Kong still encouraged mainland Chinese
to request political reform,
and made it harder for the CCP to glorify
its dictatorship regime.
