【禁闻】美贩卖人口报告 中国续入监视名单












去年12月26号,《福克斯》威廉希尔体育官网网报导说,美国俄勒冈州一名母亲朱丽叶•凯斯(Julie Keith)在她购买的万圣节装饰物当中,发现一封求救信。



采访编辑/唐睿 后制/黎安安

China Listed on the US Trafficking in Persons Report

The U.S. State Department released the global
human trafficking report on Wednesday.
Regarding China it says, “China is still the origin,
transitional station and destination of forced labor and
sex trade for men, women and children.

For nine consecutive years, China has been on the
trafficking watch list, and is classified in the second level, this year is
in the third level.
The report also criticized China’s labor re-education system.

Trafficking in Persons Report 2013 says
human trafficking is open and
bold among over two hundred million migrants in China.
Most trafficking occurred in China, where men, women
and children are forced to do labor and sex work.

The Report points out that Chinese (CCP) government
failed to fully comply with minimum standards
to eliminate trafficking over the past nine consecutive years.
On the monitored list China is in the second grade.

Zhang Zanning, law professor at China Southeast University,

said that serious human trafficking exists in China every year,
but the government has insufficient penalties.

Zhang Zanning:"Why is there such a situation?

A main reason is China’s employment problem,
and a second one is the growing wealth gap.
Some of the poorer people have to take risks
on illegal practices.
And the third and most important reason is
China’s social and moral turpitude like a moral landslide.
Lots of people become mercenaries,
frequently going beyond bottom line of morality."

Mainland media reported that six men surnamed Xiong
in Jiangxi province formed a forced prostitution gang.
Since March this year, they trafficked 13 women from
Guangdong and other places to be prostitutes in entertainment centers.
For each of the sex transactions, they obtain 70 to 100 yuan.

At the time of arrest, they had profited over 40,000 yuan
from the forced prostitution.

Former editor at Hebei People’s Radio, Zhu Xinxin, said

human trafficking has close connections with
China’s economic development.

Zhu Xinxin:"Because local economies develop unevenly,
the per capita income is rather low.
Especially in less-developed areas,
there is more surplus labor.
Since they are less competitive in the labor market,
they cannot find jobs.
As a result, they resort to abnormal means to seek wealth,
thus providing the conditions for human trafficking."

On the other hand, the U.S. report points out that

state-sanctioned forced labor is part of
the so-called labor education system.
Chinese government reportedly profits from the practice.

In at least 320 such camps, the inmates usually
receive nothing from their work.
Very often they are seriously beaten for
failing to complete assigned work.

Zhang Zanning pointed out that Chinese Communist
regime’s labor education system is against the constitution, and thus is itself illegal.

Zhang Zanning:"China’s Constitution and other laws
explicitly protect human freedom, but the labor camp system goes against this principle.
Without prosecution or court judgment, the public security
departments can deprive individual freedom at will.
This is not only illegal, but also unconstitutional."

Dec. 26 last year, Fox News reported that an Oregon mother,
Julie Keith, found an SOS letter in her Halloween decoration kit.

The letter said, “This Halloween product is made
in Masanjia labor camp in Shenyang, China.
People who work here have to work 15 hours a day
without Saturday, Sunday or any holiday break.
There is almost no salary, only 10 yuan a month."

This letter once again exposed the truth about the shady
labor camps Chinese authorities have established nationwide.
