【禁闻】三中前捧温家宝新书 释何政治信号

















采访/陈汉 编辑/王子琦 后制/李勇

Wen Jiabao’s High Profile Book Sends Political Message Ahead of the Third Plenary Session

China’s situation in the time before the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CCP Central Committee, a meeting widely seen as having major political significance, has been very unusual
with occurrences such as the New Express Daily incident and
the unusual explosion incident in Tiananmen Square.

At this critical moment, former Premier Wen Jiabao’s first
book after his retirement has been published
and is being highly promoted in the media,
which seems to send a certain political signal.
Let’s have a look with our NTD reporters.

The book Wen Jiabao’s Lectures on Education was published
on Oct 31, and is his first book after his retirement from
the Political Bureau Standing Committee of of the CCP.

CCP mouthpiece Xinhua did a high profile report on the
book’s publication, and other mainland Chinese media
also gave it significant coverage.

Wen reportedly began planning to publish the book five years
ago and carefully chose it’s contents and the book’s publisher.

His new book was published jointly by
People’s Publishing House (PPH)
and People’s Education Press,
which is rarely seen among retired leaders of the CCP.
Prior to Wen, Premier Zhu Rongji had published
three books via PPH.
The PPH Director Huang Shuyuan says this is all Wen’s idea.

Independent Political Commentator Zhang Jian:
“In the CCP’s current official arena,
the battles among different interest groups have been terribly
intense, and each group is intricate and complicated.
I think this period of China’s precarious political situation,
with public discontent at a boiling point,
and with everyone wanting their piece of the pie,
it tells Chinese people that these are very serious phenomena
signaling the CCP’s end.”

Xu Wenli, former senior researcher at Brown University, found a typical CCP brainwashing documentary titled Silence Contest was an internet hit that spread wildly in China.

It is worthwhile noting that Wen Jiabao published his book
not long after that.

Xu Wenli says: “Such a documentary clearly poses an attitude,
promotes an anti-US, anti-west and anti-universal values
ideology, and uses conspiracy theory to interpret the
international relationship.
Although they say it’s a confidential film, it is actually not
because it could be publicly seen on Youku (a video website).
Under such a circumstance, Wen Jiabao published his book
and made speeches about education and his personal views,
which shows a very fierce battle within the CCP
before the 18th Central Committee’s Third Plenary Session.”

US-based Chinese newspaper Epoch Times news reports that
as a key person in the ousting of Bo Xilai,
Wen Jiabao is highly extolled, which sends a strong message
for ousting of Jiang Zemin.
Wen is the number one political foe of Jiang Zemin’s faction,
and widely seen as the envoy of the reform faction of the CCP.
Compared with the silence of the official media on former
President Jiang Zemin, who loves publicity stunts,
Wen’s high profile media appearance expresses the standpoint
of Zhongnanhai, where Chinese top political power is located.

On Oct. 23, Zhu Rongji high-profiled visited Tsinghua University being accompanied by his old subordinates
On November 1, Xinhua reported on the English edition of
‘Zhu Rongji on the Record’ launched in New York on Oct 9.

An Epoch Times report says Wen Jiabao’s high profile
publication on education hits the weak spot of Jiang Zemin
and his lover, Chen Zhili, former Minister of Education.

This highlights the fierce battle among high rank of Zhongnanhai.

Zhang Jian: “Zhu Rongji and Wen Jiabao have no significant
political influences like past iron fisted figures.
However, they still have their own political influence,
relationship network, and personal social resources.
By appearing in the media,
they can take a blow at their political opponents.”

In 1998, Jiang Zemin appointed Chen Zhili as the Minister of Education, though she had never worked in education.
After taking the position, she strongly developed the education into an industry of the market economy and falsified history textbooks.
Consequently, China’s education system is chaotic with startling turmoil and crisis.

In December of 2001, the Ministry of Education led by Chen, in the new edition of History Syllabus For The Full-Time Ordinary Senior High School (experimental revised edition),
forever removed the title of ethnic hero on Yue Fei
and Wen Tianxiang,
and glorified the traitor Li Hongzhang as a patriot.

In addition, Chen actively carried out Jiang’s persecution
policy on Falun Gong by compiling the falsified lies about
Falun Gong into primary and high school textbooks,
forcing the students to accept and tell lies about Falun Gong
by threatening them with lower scores or removing
opportunities for further education.

After 2003, Zhou Ji replaced Chen as Minister of Education. The ten years of education issues Wen mentions in his book
go back to 2004.

However, Xu Wenli says the influence of Wen’s book on the
entire political situation in China is still to be seen.
