















采访编辑/李韵 后制/李勇

Communist Regime Calls Japan PM The Voldemort

Since Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the
Yasukuni Shrine, more than 40 ambassadors from the
Communist regime in the international community
have conducted a vigorous propaganda war against Japan
for almost two weeks.

They claim militarism is the Voldemort of Japan.

However, commentators believe this heated debate about
PM Abe’s visit to the Yasukuni Shrine is to divert
attention away from the CCP and Zhou Yongkang’s case.

For the upcoming 2014 APEC summit in Beijing, the Communist
regime has claimed, “Chinese people do not welcome him."
The sarcasm and invective comments from the regime’s media
and ambassadors have also escalated.

The regime-led media reported that as of January 13, a total of
43 Chinese Communist ambassadors have issued criticism of
Japanese PM Abe’s visit to the Shrine.

They are the Communist regime’s UN representative,
Head of Mission to the EU, multinational ambassador, agencies,
consul general, and Commissioner.

Beijing Times reported that, as of the 11th, more than 40 CCP
ambassadors denounced Abe in the resident country in
local media interviews, forums, media briefings, and public

Beijing political observer Hua Po analyzes the propaganda war
of the CCP in local languages as a disguised form of lobbying
to Western governments: “beware of Japan".

Hua Po says “It is to summon up memories of Japan’s actions in
World War II to caution the West not to blindly condone Japan,
and not to remove the shackles on Japan.

Otherwise, once this tiger is released,
the West will suffer the consequences."

This global propaganda war was first initiated by China’s
ambassador to Britain, Liu Xiaoming, who wrote an op-ed
in The Daily Telegraph describing Japan as the villain Lord
Voldemort in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.
The regime’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying
also denigrated Japan in a press conference.

Japan’s ambassador to Britain, Keiichi Hayashi, replied in
another Telegraph op-ed that Mr. Abe’s shrine visit was meant
as a statement of Japan’s peaceful intentions
“and by no means to pay homage to war criminals or
to praise militarism."

Hayashi expressed his sincere hope that dialogue between
two leaders “will come forward, rather than keep invoking
the ghost of ‘militarism’ of seven decades ago,
which no longer exists."

Commentator Lin Zixu: “The real representatives of Voldemort
in human history, if ever to be elected, should be the communist
and fascist regimes.
Perhaps even Voldemort would tremble seeing the fascists
and communists.
I don’t think any peace-loving people want the resurgence of
fascist militarism."

Taiwan’s United Daily News reported this global propaganda
war of the CCP as a strategy organized by Chinese experts on
Japan and the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to highlight,
by the debate, how Japan had seized Diaoyu Island.

Since the nationalization of Diaoyu Islands by the Japanese in
September 2012, the two countries’ dispute has intensified.
As well as the enhanced guards and military forces on both sides,
the Communist regime has also unilaterally declared an
Air Defense Identification Zone to further intensify the conflict.

Commentator Lin Zixu interprets the propaganda war as a
shift in the Communist regime’s foreign policy to Japan,
with the underlying purpose of diverting attention.

Lin Zixu: “The constant gossip on Zhou Yongkang’s case,
the struggles within the CCP Central,
the exposure of a variety of scandals have drawn people’s
attention to the CCP against its wishes.
The Japanese PM’s visit to the Yasukuni Shrine serves as
an opportunity for the CCP to divert attention away from itself."

Lin Zixu says that, plainly, the CCP employs national sentiment
to engage the world in this propaganda war and
to shift the focus to Japan so that the CCP gets relief.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/LiYong
